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A reiki session lasts is generally one hour, you will be asked to remove your shoes but will remain fully clothed. As you will be lying down on a couch, or sitting in a chair if you prefer, you may want to wear loose, comfortable clothing. It is also advisable to avoid alcohol before a treatment. Apart from that, all you need to do is relax and enjoy the treatment.
During the Reiki treatment some of the people may see beautiful colours and images that mean something to them, some feel a light tingling sensation, others feel heat or cold in certain areas. Some feel floaty and light whilst others may feel heavy and grounded. Also some people may cry or laugh as blocked energy is released.
​People often fall asleep during their session which is absolutely fine.

Is one session enough or will I need a series of sessions?


One session is a great start! You will see for yourself how Reiki makes you feel, if it is relaxing, if you feel more clarity after the session. Many people, after trying one session, go on to purchase a series of sessions to progressively work on their current wellness goals.

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